2.6 Distinction

You will determine if there are similar logos to yours and indicate the characteristics that differentiate it. Refer to the reference example “No search through available resources has identified a similar logo for representing the progress of a startup on the...

2.5 Claim

Team recommendations: Prioritize a simple and concise text (maximum 50 words). Specify the creation to which the logo refers. Use the first person if you are the author. If the logo was outsourced, indicate the name of the co-creator (the contract should be included...

2.4 Implementation

In this chapter, you will define the platforms on which you will display your design and the requirements to consider when using it. Team Recommendations: It is likely that the design of your image will evolve over time. Many famous artistic creations have undergone...

2.3 Expression

How would you describe the logo to someone who has never seen it before?What is its functional significance or symbolism?When did it first appear in this form? Refer to the reference example “It is in light of these considerations that I have designed the...

2.2 Factors

Here, you will describe the factors that influenced your creative choices and your sources of inspiration. When, with whom, and in which locations was the logo created?Can you provide historical references and reports showing your interactions with third parties?In...

2.1 Initial problem(s)

In this chapter, you will replicate the previous steps, but this time, you will learn how to protect your creative work through the images you have designed to represent it. These designs may involve the shape, packaging, or even the logo that highlights the...