Your CreaBOOK, step by step

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  5. 1.4 Implementation

1.4 Implementation

In this chapter, you will define how to use your naming. The dimensions, fonts, cases (uppercase, lowercase), colors, and their combinations determine the visual identity of your name. These guidelines will specify how the name should appear on product catalogs, services, commercial documents, or contracts related to your creation.

Team recommendations: If you have any supporting documents, please attach them and refer to them in a footnote (see the chapter on annexes). You can also use symbols such as © (copyright), CP (content protected by copyright), or Cf (CreaFREE). Feel free to provide a graphic charter as well. For creators who already have producers and distributors, you may include relevant clauses in specific licenses.

Refer to the reference example

“The English acronym CreaCORN is used to abbreviate the universal naming worldwide. It will appear on all documents utilizing this standard.”