Your CreaBOOK, step by step

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  5. 2.4 Implementation

2.4 Implementation

In this chapter, you will define the platforms on which you will display your design and the requirements to consider when using it.

Team Recommendations: It is likely that the design of your image will evolve over time. Many famous artistic creations have undergone such changes (you can research the history of the Walt Disney logo and its variations over time as an example). In the context of the CreaBOOK, it is recommended to update these modifications in subsequent versions of the book. You can dedicate a descriptive appendix to showcase your different logos. Similarly, you can also describe the graphic charter that governs all documentation (website, business cards, etc.) and expresses the application requirements for your logo and icons.

Refer to the reference example

“The CreaCORN logo depicts five functional phases:

Ideation: The creator has drafted the initial version of his CreaBOOK and registered it.

Foundation: The creator has completed the previous phase, invested contributions to launch the seed phase, and successfully passed the certification examination for conformity with Creafree Standard specifications.

Seed: The creator completes and succeeds in the feasibility phase. He updates his CreaBOOK, and successfully passes the economic value certification according to Creafree Standard specifications.

Scaling: The creator has completed the previous phase and invests to reach the global market. He updates his CreaBOOK and successfully passes the originality certification according to the specifications of the Creafree Standard specifications.

Expansion: The creator has implemented a quality certification system to ensure the conformity of his products and services with his CreaBOOK and associated licenses. He now sells products and services with the Responsible Authenticity Mark in the global market.

Each step of the process is symbolized by the addition of a green checkmark (V) corresponding to the completed phase. The logo can be used at the startup’s discretion when deemed appropriate. It provides all interested parties with a clear indication of the innovation’s development stage.”