1.6 Distinction

To conclude this chapter dedicated to the nomination, we invite you to search for any related names in a domain similar to yours and explain how yours differs. Team recommendations: Conducting research using internet search engines will help identify your freedom to...

1.5 Claim

The claim consists of a short sentence (maximum 50 words) asserting the originality of the creative element. This claim is crucial as it clarifies the extent of your rights. The sentence is composed of three parts: First, you state that you are the originator of this...

1.4 Implementation

In this chapter, you will define how to use your naming. The dimensions, fonts, cases (uppercase, lowercase), colors, and their combinations determine the visual identity of your name. These guidelines will specify how the name should appear on product catalogs,...

1.3 Expression

In this section, you will answer the following questions: What name did you finally choose?Why was it chosen?Do you know the date when the name was adopted? If yes, what is it? If you have no proof of the date when your choice was made, the timestamp of the CreaBOOK...

1.2 Factors

The factors are the circumstances, dates, and sources of inspiration that triggered the choice of the name. Perhaps a friend asked for the name of your creation, and you discussed it with them. When did this event take place? It contributes to dating the origin and...

1.1 Initial problem(s)

In this chapter, you will detail the processes that led you to choose a name for your project. The first section titled “Initial problems” focuses on the starting point of your thinking. You know that the name can have a significant impact on the future...