Your CreaBOOK, step by step

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  5. 3.5 Claim

3.5 Claim

Here, you must assert the originality of your standard. As always, use “I” if the creation is the result of your individual genius. If there are multiple creators, use “We,” followed by the names of the co-creators (add the mandate files in the annexes).

Refer to key examples from different sectors

Architecture: The staircase of Château de Chambord (Leonardo da Vinci).

“I, Leonardo da Vinci, claim the originality of Château de Chambord, characterized by the castle’s extension in four towers arranged around the central axis of a double staircase, serving four apartments through four cross-shaped rooms.”

Science: Law of Universal Gravitation (Isaac Newton).

“I, Isaac Newton, assert the originality of the force, proportional to the square of the distance, which identifies, predicts, and measures the mutual gravitation between two or more objects.”

Technical: Dynamite (Alfred Nobel).

“I, Alfred Nobel, hereby certify being the creator of mixtures that allow nitroglycerin to acquire the characteristics of a stable, safe, and transportable product.”

Art: The Thinker.

“I, Auguste Rodin, am the originator of the first expression of the human thinker through a body in a state of muscular tension.”

Information Technology: Smartguide (Gérard de Villeroché).

“I, Gérard de Villeroché, am the originator of the Smartguide Standard, which facilitates navigation by consistently aligning the digital map displayed on the computer screen with the route followed by the vehicle.”

Refer to the reference example

“3.5.1 I claim authorship of the CreaCORN standard, which facilitates capital raising and startup development through the certification of CreaBOOKs.

3.5.2 I claim authorship of the CreaCORN standard, which facilitates capital raising and startup development through the application of the multiplier pyramid.”