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5.4 Caliber D: Model and market shares

In this section, you will have the opportunity to define the operational economic model of your creation. You will indicate the required inputs, investments, and the strategy chosen to scale your sales until the chosen target date, with the aim to enhance the value of your creation and increase your chances of convincing potential investors.

Refer to the reference example

“Like most startups, CreaCORN’ economic operating model relies on a digital platform that tracks transactions and manages all activities.

The CreaFREE platform is funded by the International creations Fund (IcF), which manages CreaFREE, CreaCORN & CreaPAX standards and follows Edison General Electric’s organizational model.

Fieldwork is conducted by incubators accredited by the IcF and involving the three main institutions of the CreaFREE ecosystem: World Creators Society, CreaPOLES and CreaSURE.

The CreaFREE ecosystem aims to widely adopt the Responsible authenticity Mark (RaM) for all unicorn activities. The IcF’s goal is to cover at least 4% of products and services sold on the global market by 2030.”


To do:

It’s your turn to describe your goals and business plan. You can address the following questions:

  • What is your business model: how will you generate revenue? What services will you offer and at what price?
  • How will you communicate to promote awareness of your products/services?
  • How is your current team structured? Why is it the perfect organization? Whom will you be recruiting and for what purpose?
  • What are the opportunities, weaknesses, strengths, and threats (SWOT analysis) to anticipate in your industry?
  • How will the funds be utilized to grow the company?
  • Is there an opportunity to invest in your project right now?