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  5. 2.2 Factors

2.2 Factors

Here, you will describe the factors that influenced your creative choices and your sources of inspiration.

When, with whom, and in which locations was the logo created?
Can you provide historical references and reports showing your interactions with third parties?
In case you commissioned its creation to a third party, what decisive involvement did you have as the author?
What were the ultimate factors and sources of inspiration that guided your creative choice?

Team recommendations: Researching logo databases and the internet will help you verify the availability of your creative ideas and trigger positive inspiration in your mind. Reverse image searches can also be conducted on tools like ‘Lens,’ ‘Pixy,’ ‘Google,’ or ‘Tineye’ to ensure that no competitor is using designs similar to yours.

Refer to the reference example

In the reference example, Alain Souloumiac explains that the logo must serve the startup, its advisors, and its investors. All stakeholders have an interest in having a logo that describes the stage of advancement the startup has reached. Furthermore, CreaCORN implements the core CreaFREE standard, and its logo should reflect this affiliation.

CreaFREE logo

 CreaFREE Standard logo